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Soul Winning

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it!

It's almost half time for 2018 and I know that the Lord has been good to all of us. Please allow me to share the importance of Soul Winning and what it means to Build Healthy and Successful Relationships as we go through out our everyday life.

This is important because as we go through out our moments in this life we will be challenged by many situations and many people. The Bible says that no man is an island and we encounter people everyday like it or not. Whether they are our family, friends, co-workers etc. What's important about these encounters are the way we surrender to God and let our light so shine that others may see our good works and ask "What must I do to be SAVED". It's all about SALVATION!!!!!!

Showing our Godly works to others helps us to build Positive relationships. We must remember that everyone wants to be understood and respected. Everyone wants to be heard. It's important to demonstrate our concern and respect for others by active listening and being supportive. One way we can defuse any anger that may arise in our being toward others and avoid misdirecting them is through empathy. When we show people that we care and are concerned about who they are and how they feel this opens the door to sharing a Word from God with them. Our assignment is to be soul winners and showing the Love of God is a good way to start.

let us remember that Romans 8:28 says "All things work together for the good of them who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose". Amen

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